ANVIL Custom Skis

"A Small Town Local Beer Drinking Company with a Ski Building Problem"
ANVIL Ski Co. Durango, CO 81301

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In the Shop with Chris

Chris = Mad Scientist! The man himself putting the finishing touches on Travis's skis.

Monday, February 20, 2012

ANVIL in Utah

This Just in, Spencer S. Loves his CURES and plans to destroy Utah's in bounds and Backcountry terrain on them all year! Spencer is spreading the good word of ANVIL from his home base in Park City.

ANVIL Represent!

We had a killer weekend up around Silverton and were able to get some deep pow dispite a pretty spooky snow pack. Skis left to right: CURE, HIGH DEF., CURE w/ wood sidewalls.

Travis's Custom CURE

We made these CUREs for our good buddy Travis in Durango.

Logan's NM Rasta Militia CURE

If any ski belongs at Taos Ski Valley it's Logan's custom CURES!

The CURE and some dynafit bindings.

The lightness of the CURE paired with that of a Tech binding makes for some smooth touring!!